Your strategy, investment and M&A specialist in Russia and beyond
About the company
Over 50 foreign investment and M&A projects in real economy delivered
Projects by industry
20 years’ building value and market cap for investors and business owners
Selected casesInvestorium [ i n v e s t ó r i u m ]
Investorium is an independent strategy consultant, investment broker and M&A services provider specializing in business development and investment management in Russia and neighboring states. Investorium core expertise is project management and M&A transactions delivered on a turn-key basis - from the very start, when an investment idea is just conceived, and up to its practical embodiment, typically including key blocks as strategy and investment planning, feasibility studies and financial modeling, project teams set-up and management.
See moreA systematic and integrated approach
First of all, it is about planning as the basis for everything that follows. If you do not understand what, why and how you deliver, you can hardly expect success. Secondly, it is about processes. Your processes should be far better than those of your Clients’; otherwise, you have nothing to offer them. Yours must be superior to those of your competition; otherwise, you will be squeezed out. And, lastly, it is all about implementation. Whether it is a large-scale complex investment or a local private project that you are working on, you must always perform with the best quality possible.
Selected projects and transactions
Investorium’s toolkit has been tested by years of successful delivery of investment projects and M&A transactions in key industry sectors of the real economy - Oil & Gas, Energy & Infra, Engineering, Industrial Development and Commercial Real Estate, Food & FMCG, Industrial production.